Risk Safety Assessment
Risk assessment is a fundamental component of an effective health and safety management system and many health and safety regulations have explicit requirements for risk assessment.
Bucler Industrial Supplier’s Practitioners are experts in the risk assessment process We also look at our services available to support organisations with risk management expertise.
What is a risk assessment?
Before we dive into what a risk assessment is (and isn’t), lets first take a look at a few important definitions:
A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm. This might be a hazardous substance, machinery or an exposed edge.
A risk is the likelihood or potential for harm from a hazard being realised. Risk is a construct of two components, the ‘likelihood of harm‘ and the ‘consequence of harm‘. For instance, a risk could be of low-likelihood but high consequence (think plane crash), but it could also be high-likelihood and low-consequence (think a paper cut working in the mail room).
Residual risk is the subjective amount of remaining risk after considering any risk control measures that have been implemented.
It’s very important to distinguish between hazard and risk, these terms are often confused.
Now, back to risk assessment. In the context of occupational health and safety, a risk assessment is a systematic look at hazards in the work and identifying which hazards may cause harm, and then an assessment (and usually grading) of the potential for harm and the consequence of that harm.
The purpose of the risk assessment is to identify things in the workplace which may cause us harm which should then lead to the implementation of risk control measures designed to eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
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